
Desktop Publishing and File Conversion Services

We have everything you want
Get your ultimate peace of mind by multiple files options


Translate your document with perfect layout

File Conversion

Convert your file in any other form


Convert content from one file to another.

Why we are the best Choice?

Our services are the best solutions of your problems
We provide end to end translation solutions are what you are looking for

Multiple files
We support Multiple file formats
Multiple Tools
Our expertise cover all possible tools
We provide a complete DTP package
Language Matters
We cover all possible languages for DTP

Our Affordable Price list

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Standard level is provided by native translators who have been tested and approved by TextMaster, translating in addition to their other professional activities. It is suitable for simple translations of short texts without specific vocabulary:

customer service messages

small amounts of content

simple web content

internal translations

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Enterprise level is provide by native professional translators who have been tested and approved by Textmaster. It is suitable for general translation projects:

website translation

ecommerce translation

travel & tourism translation

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Expert level is provided by specialist native professional translators who have been tested and selected by Textmaster. They have proven experience in their area of expertise. This level is suitable for specialized translation projects such as:

luxury goods translation

technical translation

SEO translation

marketing translation

financial and legal translation

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Other Many languages







What our Clients Says About us

Since our startup, two decades back, we have been getting better and better only!

I love you the more in that I believe you had liked me for my own sake and for nothing else

- Barkha Kumari

But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.

- Ajay

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.

- Thomas A. Edison